Moving Prep – Plastic Moving Bins NYC NJ

Category Archives for "Moving Prep"

Your Moving Checklist

Moving Prep

Are you ready for your upcoming move? We’ve put together a list of things you should do before you go. 4 Weeks Before Sort and purge. Identify stuff you don’t need and either sell it or donate it. Anything you haven’t used in 2 years is fair game. The less stuff you have, the less […]

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11 Tips For A Stress Free Move

Moving Prep

Are you struggling to develop an efficient system for your move? Check out these handy moving tips below to make your move effortless and easy. Scale Down Adopt a “less is more” attitude when you move. Have a yard sale and scale back the things you don’t need. The less stuff you move, the less […]

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5 Things You MUST Do Before You Move

Moving Prep

Moving is an exciting but hectic time. Whether you’re a new homeowner or a seasoned mover, it can be easy forget a few crucial tasks. To make the move easy for you, we’ve compiled a list of 5 things that you must do before you move into your new home. Pack An “Open First” Bin […]

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